Sunday, October 25, 2015

Part one of my story with crohns.

So I have made a change to my blog and I am making it more 'gut and food' related. It consumes alot of my life and its one thing, of many, that I am passionate about. So I thought Id blog about my journey and what has helped me along the way, and what continues to inspire me. Think I need my blog to be more focussed on something otherwise I don't write enough. I want it to be of encouragement and help to people who are on a similar journey with their health. Also as I have journeyed along on this quest for good gut health I have had many people ask about my life and diet and some have shared with me their struggles with their this is for you people and so I have something to direct you to of all my thoughts, ideas, ramblings and helpful info. Think I have liked the idea of writing a book about it all, but thats not going to happen. Blogs are quicker...and I can get it out there now!

So briefly...dont want to write HUGE blogs. A little at a time is good. I was diagnosed with crohns disease in march 2009 and went in for major surgey (bowel resection) in may 2009. It all happened fast as it was emergency surgery. I was very sick. For months I had been having stomach pains, but since I had been living a stressful lifestyle I put it down to stress ulcers that would go away when I settled my life down. Yet, this obviously didnt happen. After months of pain, cramps, diahhorea, bloating, constipation, more pain etc etc I went to see my Dr in sydney (I was living in sydney at the time). He checked me over and sent me for a scan immediately. He said I was to come back the next day at 7 (they opened the clinic early just for me). He was the best Dr! So lovely and caring. Anyways...went in the next morning, he looked at the scans and checked my gut (I was already significantly distended), he asked me all the questions and diagnosed me fast with crohns disease. I didnt even know what it was. I asked if I was going to die!!

He said that I needed to go see a specialist immediately. I said that I was soon to go to QLD for a wedding so couldnt this week, and then was moving back to Tasmania. Haha, good my priorities were in order. He said, excellent, as the best gastroenterologist was at the LGH in Launceston. He sent a referral to see the specialist there! I only thought of the blessing this was months later!

I had other things on my mind. I played it down and didnt think it was that serious. I had bridesmaid duties in QLD, then was driving to Tassie with all my stuf to move into my parents garage for a while. The timing couldnt have been more perfect.

When I arrived in Tassie I was getting sicker and sicker. I was starting to cut my food right back, as so much of what I ate caused considerable amounts of pain. I was not enjoying eating. I was soon only drinking my food. I had an appointment with the specialist at the LGH. He checked me over and said I had two options. He first wanted to try me on prednisone to decrease the inflammation. I tried that for 2 weeks and nothing happened. Then I went in again and he checked me over by touching my stomach slightly, very aware of the distention, and I was in tears from the pain. He said I was not going home and to be taken immediatly to a bed and I will be having major surgery. I was shocked.

Over the next 3 days me and my parents had meetings with all the different nurses and doctors and surgeons involved in the surgery. They took us through all that would happen and be involved and what would happen to me in theatre.

I had one doctor who sat with us and had all the time in the world and answered all our many questions. I was so scared and nervous and he took the time to share and be honest and care. He was a good doctor. I also had a colostomy nurse come by 'just in case' I had to have a colostomy bag after the surgery. That was my greatest fear to be honest. They didnt know if I would end up with that until they were in theatre. Ahh!!!!!!! Prayers were going off the show I can tell you!! I remember the days in hospital leading up to going in. The day came. I was called up last minute in the morning, thinking I was going in the arvo. It was all go when the call came. I had to put on my special theatre undies and gown and had been drinking this awful gastrolyte drink for the past two days to empty the bowels. I had nothing left. Then I was taken in. A nurse I connected with and who hung out with me came with me also. I will always remember her to. Mum and dad were there. Amy was making her way up. I wanted to see her. We got to the waiting area at theatre and she arrived just as I had been taken in and could only see her through the door. I was devastated, they wouldnt let her in. I cried. I was so over whelmed by everything. They tell you that you might die. What if that was the last time I saw her? Obviously it wasnt, but when your about to go into theatre you think about things like that.

7 hours later I woke up. I heard someone gently waking me and asking me if I had pain. My gut was so sore. I had a mask on for oxygen and straight away my thoughts went to 'do I have a colostomy bag?' I put my hand on my stomach where they said it would go if I was to have one, and nothing was there!! I was so excited, even though I couldnt show any emotion I was over-joyed in my mind. I was thanking God. I was then wheeled to my ward and mum, dad, amy and nath were there waiting for me. I was ok. It was a long surgery, 7 hours, with a very difficult and scary moment in the operation apparently (thats what the surgeoun said), but then all came together. I had 60cm taken out. My iliem, cecum, appendix and part of my ascending colon was removed. There was a long journey of recovery ahead.

Will write more again soon.
Thanks for reading :)

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