Thursday, February 4, 2016

Starting up the blog again...

Its been nearly 7 years since my crohn's diagnosis and emergency surgery. I have had a drastic change in diet and lifestyle. I have learnt an incredible amount about food, sickness and health and am continually learning more. I married an amazing man 4 years ago and we now have two boys aged 22 months and 9 weeks. I stopped my blog for a while and deleted a lot off it as life was too hectic with pregnancy and babies. I had no head space for writing as I wasn't well with pregnancy and  life after babies is chaotic. So I shut it down. I have of late had quite a few people wondering where it went and many still ask me about health and digestive issues and about my story. So I thought I would revive the site again and slowly add more info and thoughts to the blog. Hopefully it encourages you in your health journey and at least leads you to some useful and helpful info that has helped me along the way.

I have had fairly good health for the past 7 years. I am conscious of what I eat as I am aware that with crohns disease I can go backwards and flare up quickly. Statistically people with crohns have a bowel resection every 5-10 years with much of life in and out of hospital with flare ups. During my pregnancy I struggled to eat well as I was vomiting and unwell most days. I wasn't as strict with my diet for that period of time and resorted to a lot of comfort carbs as you do when pregnant and some crohns symptoms re-appeared. Once we cleaned things back up again the symptoms also cleared up. I wasn't as strict as I had been pre pregnancy when I was pregnant. I vomited daily and didn't keep a huge amount down. But obviously enough for my bub to grow. It was hard being sick daily though pregnancy and trying to eat well. Most days consisted of sourdough toast with apricot jam and potato in many different ways. I also ate some good old road house meat pies and lots of very cold chocolate milks.

Now 2 months post partum. I am getting back on track with food again. Getting back to more low carb, healthy fats (LCHF). I am lucky to have a very supportive husband who is also convicted in eating this way as he notices his health is much better for it also. Its a continual journey of learning and experimenting. Even more so when a chronic illness is evident and can rear its ugly head so quickly and easily. I also believe healthy eating helps the mind, causes us to be aware of where our food is coming from, brings simplicity into our lives and teaches us respect for our bodies. It can only be a good thing.

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